21 Ocak 2010 Perşembe

New Etsy Pattern

Just a short note to let you know I have a new pattern up at my ETSY shop.

Cowboy and Indian Chubbies.  The chubbies are fun and easy to make, and these two just kinda screamed at me to get made. :D

Click here to see the ETSY listing for the chubbies

10 Ocak 2010 Pazar

Horsea Plushie

The newest addition to the pokemon plushies is Horsea. This little guy was surprisingly difficult to figure out the head/body size ratio,  and I'm not entirely certain I got it just right,  but it's close enough that my girls think he's awesome  LOL

I  know my pictures here aren't the best,  but the weather outside is frightful ... and I waited four days to get better weather to get some